About Us - Grace Fellowship BC

About Us


Coming to a new environment can sometimes make you feel like an outsider. But at Grace Fellowship we know no strangers. We have even had visitors come who did not speak English and yet felt the warmth of a Christian welcome. Reading the gospel accounts of the Lord Jesus we find Him receiving all types of men and women in every imaginable condition of need. He received them, confronted them (this is what the Word of God does) and they were changed by His grace (unmerited favor). You need an encounter with God. We welcome you to join us.

Who We Are

Articles of Faith

We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration and authority of the Scriptures.

We believe in the Holy Trinity consisting of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity, virgin birth, substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Christ Jesus the Lord, having died and shed His blood according to God’s gracious purpose, redeemed a people to Himself.

We believe that salvation is solely by the grace of God.

  • Christ Jesus the Lord, having died and shed His blood according to God’s gracious purpose, redeemed a people to   Himself.
  • The New Birth is an effectual work of God’s grace which produces repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe in a visible, personal, pretribulational, premillennial return of Jesus Christ for believers.

We believe in the responsibility for Christians to glorify the Lord in both the edification of fellow believers and the evangelism of the lost.

We believe heaven and hell are literal, everlasting, and conscious locations: heaven being reserved for believers, and hell being reserved for unbelievers.

We believe that God has ordained the local church for the perpetuation of His Word and work.

We use only the King James Version of the Bible in the pulpit and in classroom instruction.

Without apology, we stand against the ecumenical movement, the modern charismatic movement, hypercalvinism and replacement theology.

Our Pastor


Pastor Ben Wilkerson

Pastor Ben has been in the Gospel ministry since 1976. Upon graduation from Southland Bible Institute in Pikeville, KY Ben’s first ministry was to serve as a youth pastor in West Virginia. In 1982-2001 he had the opportunity to reopen closed churches in Upstate New York. In 2001-2012 he served as Assistant to the Director of Global Baptist Mission and was a member of GFBC during those years. In December 2012 he accepted the call to pastor Stone-Eden Baptist Church in Stoneville, NC concluding that ministry in October 2017. Grace Fellowship extended a call to become their pastor and he began his ministry in June 2018. He and his wife Sharon have three married children and eight grandchildren.